The National Education Policy 2019 envisions an India centered education system that contributes directly to transforming our nation sustain-ably into an equitable and vibrant knowledge society, by providing high-quality education to all. It aims to aid national development by facilitating the transformation of the Indian education system.
While the approach and pedagogy of Udhyam Shiksha deeply align with many recommendations in the National Education Policy, we are listing the top ten here.
1. Students must develop not only cognitive skills - both 'foundational skills' of literacy and numeracy and 'higher-order' cognitive skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving skills - but also social and emotional skills, also referred to as 'soft skills', including cultural awareness and empathy, perseverance and grit, teamwork and leadership, among others (Page: 25)
2. By the age of 14, i.e., Grade 9, adolescents begin to think about their life plans; schooling at this stage must therefore build on the styles of previous stages, while also incorporating preparation for university, for the world of work, and for life. Students at this stage must have the flexibility of subject options for their differing talents, interests, goals, and ambitions, including access to vocational and arts courses. (Page: 74)
3. Interactive and fun classrooms, where questions are encouraged, with creative, collaborative, and exploratory activities for deeper and more experiential learning. (Page : 76)
4. Socio-emotional learning (SEL) in schools can lead to improved cognitive and emotional resilience and promote constructive social engagement. Examples of activities that inculcate socio-emotional learning include: carrying out work or tasks in teams/groups, organizing get-togethers and games across different grades, role-playing, and conflict resolution, discussing stories of kindness, and reflective writing, speaking, and art. Explicit training in socio-emotional skills ensures higher levels of attention and emotional and cognitive regulation that are necessary not only for well-being, empathy towards others, and lower stress but also leads to increased academic success. (Page: 97)
5. Quality higher education must enable personal accomplishment and enlightenment, constructive public engagement, and productive contribution to society. It must prepare students for more meaningful and satisfying lives and work roles, and enable economic independence.
The future workplace will demand critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, creativity, and multidisciplinary capability. Single-skill and single-discipline jobs are likely to become automated over time. Therefore, there will be a great need to focus on multidisciplinary and 21st-century competencies for future work roles. In particular, education must empower workers of the future to become enterprising and creative innovators.
21st-century capabilities necessary for the employment landscape of the future - such as critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, creativity, cultural literacy, global outlook, teamwork, ethical reasoning, and social responsibility - will not only help to develop outstanding employees but also outstanding citizens and communities. (Page : 202 - 203)
6. Practical engagement with the world: All programs should combine conceptual knowledge with practical engagement which has relevant real-world connections.
Curriculum and pedagogy shall have a strong connection with the world of work, so as to develop capacities for employment and livelihood, along with those for being an engaged citizen.
7. Students must also be prepared to respond to changes in the workplace. (Page : 230)
8. Career support for students: All institutions will ensure occupational readiness in their students.
9. The curriculum will help students develop capacities for the world of work (Page : 244)
10. Collaborative and experiential learning methods and an awareness of professional ethics need to be brought in systematically. (Page : 299)
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